Tuesday, November 05, 2013



Eleven of us met in Clevedon, UK, for the UK TRIZ Forum # 5 on Nov. 1—some coming directly from Paris ETRIA,  one from Scotland, and the rest from around England.    No surprise to frequent readers of this blog:  the best learning may have happened in the hotel bar and the conference “gossip”  and the size of the group was perfect for discussion.  The program:

Ellen Domb
The Future Of TRIZ: An International Perspective
Adi Kavitzky
Deployment Of TRIZ In The Advertising & Marketing Worlds
Darrell Mann
PanGenics: TRIZ, Music Composition & Healthcare
Ellen Domb, Tim Brewer, Joe Miller
Crowdsourced and Crowdfunded Business Models Viewed as Complete (Technical) Systems
Tim Brewer, Ellen Domb
Using the TRIZ System Operator to Compare Traditional Product Development to Crowdsourced Product Development
Paul Howarth
PanSensics: Automated Mass Capture Of  Conflicts & Contradictions
Paul Filmore
Applying TRIZ to Graphic Design using Genetic Algorithms
Ian Mitchell
Moving from Inventive Principles and Trends to Solving problems with Standard Solutions
John Cooke
The future of the product development process – a TRIZ perspective

 The “proceedings” will be published as a collection of the presentations.  Contact  { Cara (at) Systematic-innovation.com }  for information. 

I gave the kick-off on the future of TRIZ, concluding (well, opening the discussion) that TRIZ will be absorbed into the supersystem, and that it has already started, being absorbed into systematic innovation (in many forms), into Six Sigma, and into the general world of knowledge transformation.  I challenged the group to complete an evolutionary potential diagram that I started to justify the conclusion.

Adi Kravitz got the group wrapped up in his ideas about TRIZ for advertising/marketing (although his background in intellectual property is equally fascinating.)   He has challenging questions for the TRIZ community about real research on uses of TRIZ, on turning TRIZ into a system for “creative” people to understand their clients’ needs.   

Darrell’s talk introduced “ PanGenics” – a method  for interactive composing,  threat could have many applications.   The initial projects are to create music that will aid healing.  

 Tim Brewer and I did a pair of papers that amplified our presentation at ETRIA, looking through the TRIZ 9 windows and complete system  “lenses” at the rapidly emerging  crowdsourcing and crowdfunding business models.

Paul Howarth  introduced the PanSensic  method for  understanding meaning and context.  (Back in the QFD days we called this translating the Voice of the Customer.)    Massive opportunities for listening in healthcare, utilities, marketing, fast-moving consumer goods,  and even for government understanding its citizens.

Paul Filmore repeated his ETRIA paper on using a genetic algorithm, with TRIZ elements  as the “chromosomes”  for the generation of graphic designs. 

Ian Mitchell’s paper stimulated a lot of group discussion, since it dealt with the ever-popular subject of teaching people to use TRIZ easily.   His solution to the problem of people who have difficulty expressing their problems as contradictions was to (brilliantly!) avoid the problem and guide them into using the standard solutions.

John Cooke concluded the program with his thorough discussion of the whole product development process, and the TRIZ perspectives on each phase of the process, and differences between industries in how formal/informal the “process” can be.  

In addition to discussing the presentations there were several  ideas about including much more of the UK TRIZ community in future years.


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