Wednesday, April 09, 2014


News, publications, conferences

Frequent readers know that I have strong opinions on the benefits of going to conferences, meeting other TRIZ practioners, and exchanging information WITHOUT technology!    Yes, we can do a lot with e-mail, on-line collaboration, forums, etc., but there’s a lot of human history behind forming relationships first, then exchanging information.    Plan now for conferences coming up in the summer and fall:  

  • ICSI 2014 is to be held on Jul. 16-18, 2014, at San Jose, California, USA.   Co-sponsored by the Altshuller Institute and San Jose State University. 
  • Korea: 5th Global TRIZ Conference 2014 in Korea (KoreaTRIZCON2014) is to be held on Jul. 8-10, 2014 at Seoul, Korea
  • TRIZfest-2014 Conference and related events will be held on Sept. 4 - 6, 2014 in Prague, Czech Republic. 
  • Japan TRIZ Society (JTS)  10th TRIZ Symposium in Japan on Sept. 11 - 12. 
  •  ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference 2014 will be  Oct. 29-31, 2014 in Lausanne, Switzerland
    I don't have dates yet for the Altshuller Institute TRIZCON and the Iberoamerican Innovation Congress  (possibly November).   Malaysia, Iran, Israel, Italy (APEIRON), France, etc. also all have conferences in the planning stages.  
    Some readers of this blog don't "do" Twitter so I summarize my tweets here occasionally.    

04/09/2014 April 16 Jack Hipple webinar - applications of TRIZ to "soft" issues. Free! (Join Altshuller Inst, also free)                              
04/09/2014 Toru Nakagawa's latest update to TRIZ Homepage Japan has an extensive bibliography on Samsung's TRIZ implementation.  

 A few Tweets since January  (follow @ellendomb to get similar notes when fresh!) 

Feb 18  #TRIZ chapter of Global Innovation Science Handbook now available as Kindle. Let me know what you think, please.

 Feb 13  History of #TRIZ by D. Kucharavy, video & links on the new #TRIZ India site. Thanks, Bala!

 Jan 28  Practical #TRIZ papers, more than 250 projects in 3 companies--products, services, systems. #TRIZ treasure!

Jan 27  TRIZ webinars by partner Dave Conley, good for introduction or for review--lots of great examples. Thanks Dave!

Jan 27 Check out my author page at  via @amazon. TRIZ chapter from Global Innovation Handbook available this week.

Jan 4  @pavel_soni 2013 list of best innovation stories, with links to past years. Thanks, Pavel & Happy New Year all!

 Comments are welcome--what are you doing to learn more TRIZ?




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